

Organization chart of ASSET project team

Coordination Unit

Members: Project Coordinator + Scientific Coordinators

Role: strategic decision validation, overall coordination (partnership relations, sub-components synergies etc.)

Support to coordination: Project Management Officer + Financial Manager

Role: in charge of operational & financial management of the project, HR management, overall communication, consolidation of reports to donors, etc.

See more details HERE

Executive Committee 

Members: Coordination Unit + Sub-component Leaders 

Role: monitoring of activities progress, results & challenges presentation, next action plan development, Sub-components synergies

Steering Committee 

Members: AFD/ EU + MAF representative + Executive committee + ALiSEA board members representative + representatives of the consortium + Advisory Committee representative

Role: validate annual action plan & achievements prepared by Coordination Unit

Details to be updated.

Advisory Committee

Members: 3 external experts for regular participation and 5 external experts mobilized at particular times

Role: inform reflection on strategic orientations, increase actions visibility and relevance, enlarge networking, support fundraising

Details to be updated.

National Boards 

Members: National Partners + GRET + CIRAD

Role: Monitoring committee linked to national recognition

Details to be updated.