
Swisscontact (Switzerland)


Swisscontact is the business-oriented independent foundation for international development cooperation. Represented in 36 countries with over 1,100 employees, Swisscontact promotes since 1959 economic, social and environmental development. Swisscontact in Cambodia operates in two working areas: enterprise promotion, skills development, always acting through private sector development. Building on the wider organization’s regional and global experience, Swisscontact strives to support local areas of focus, including agricultural innovation, tourism, impact investment, and renewable energy.

Responsible in the ASSET Project

Swisscontact coordinates with CIRAD the Flagship Level Action Research. They have a strong experience in designing innovations and scaling up strategies, through engaging the private sector into entrepreneurial experimentation and action research. They provide cross-cutting capacity to link with data management (see Knowledge Hub). They undertake the curricula development and building capacity in the vocational trainings (see Capacity Development and Communication), and provide support on private sector advocacy (see ALiSEA Network). They host the secretariat of the CASIC and would work on strengthening the consortium.