
Alexia Dayet

Incentive mechanisms to support the agroecological transition in Cambodia towards sustainable and resilient agricultural systems


AgroParisTech, ABIES 


2022 – 2024

Study sites:

Cambodia – Preah Vihear (Organic Rice), Kampong Thom (SRP Rice) - To be confirmed

Research question and objectives: 

How to design incentive mechanisms to provide public goods through the concept of agroecology while guaranteeing the particular interests of farmers?

Because the face of agroecology goes beyond agricultural practices and includes a strong social dimension, and an incentive mechanism can go beyond the economic dimension.

About rice, through 2 local cases -> Organic Rice and SRP Rice (Sustainable Rice Platform)

  1. Understand how the identified mechanisms (organic and SRP rice) integrate the local agrarian dynamics and how they actually support the agroecological concept
  2. Analyse the design and functioning of the mechanisms based on the theory of change
  3. Based on the results of the two previous points -> Offer another way to look at things: could we imagine non-financial incentives that support an agroecology which makes it possible to link particular and general interests?

Approaches and methods:

  • Qualitative and holistic approaches, long fieldwork, territorial scale, transdisciplinary.
  • Conceptual frameworks mobilized: diagnostic analysis of agrarian systems, theory of change